
I was given an amazing fact by my middle granddaughter yesterday, who is a vegan. If people began to eat other humans at the rate that they’re eating animals, the human race would be extinct in two and a half weeks. Just let that sink in. Horrifying, isn’t it? Personally, I don’t believe that animals are put on our planet for us to use and abuse them. Each and every animal has just as much right to be here, and to have a happy life, as you or me.

It appals me that some folk are still ignorant of the way animals are treated. As Paul MacCartney says, ‘If abattoirs had glass walls, no-one would eat meat.’ They experience a terrifying death. And what about testing on animals? Which still continues. It’s totally inhumane. To say nothing of animal cruelty, which is rife. Gandhi said that the character of a country is determined by the way it’s citizens treat animals.

It was hard to be a vegetarian forty years ago, but it’s so easy now. Vegetarians and vegans are catered for everywhere. It’s such a valid lifestyle choice – you’re saving animals, saving the planet, and improving your health. It’s a no-brainer. And, most importantly, as a vegetarian or vegan, you are adhering to the first rule of yoga – AHIMSA. Do no harm.

Love, light and blessings always,


OM Shanti Shanti Shanti