And Breathe

Just take a moment and tune into your breath. Breathe in…breathe out. Breathe in…breathe out. Now imagine that when you breathe in, your breath comes from a very long way away. And when you breathe out, your breath goes to a place a long way away. Do this several times. Now focus very gently on just your out-breath. Focus on it so softly that it’s like a feather touching a bubble. Nothing else…just focus oh so softly on the out-breath. Just stay with that sensation for several moments…

Begin to deepen your breathing. Consciously breathe in and in and in and in, until you’re totally full. And then breathe out with a long, loud sigh. Repeat twice more.

Well done, you’re all set. Off you go, back into your day!

Lots of love, light and blessings, Carole xxx

OM Shanti Shanti Shanti