
(This is dedicated to my rhyming friend, Mary. We miss you.)

While still in your pyjamas,

Consider the Niyamas.

Scrape your tongue, all the way,

This must be done every day.

Pull oil till your teeth they squeak.

Do this before you even speak!

Practise some yoga on your mat,

You’ll cleanse your mind while you’re sat.

A shower purifies your aura,

It’s a vitality restorer.

Now clean clothes complete your ritual –

Do each day till it’s habitual.

What of breakfast, I hear you ask.

This is truly our next task.

Choose foods with greatest prana,

Apple, blueberries and banana.

Kefir, flaxseed and some nuts,

These ensure good healthy guts.

Then, heart-centred, out you go

Smile and set the world aglow.

Patanjali grins, see that’s not torture,

Now you’re living the rule of SAUCHA!

Carole Kerton 27/6/2024

OM Shanti Shanti Shanti